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Александр Сергеевич Пушкин

Березовая Л.Г.           Главная   Студентам   Коллегам   Обо мне 


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Обо мне > РЕЗЮМЕ > CV in english

Berezovaya Lidiya

Was born in Volgograd (Russia) 19 October 1946.
In 1968 graduated in the State University (Rostov), history school. The subject of graduation paper was "The social movement in the Ancient Russia".
After post-graduate course in the Moscow State University in 1979 has defended the dissertation on the thesis "The day before the First World War".
In 1994 defended the Second (Ph.D.) dissertation in the The Russian State University of the Humanities (Moscow)on the subject of "The Self-awareness of the Russian Intelligentsia in the beginning of the XX-th of century".
1970 - 1985 - Lecturer, Russian State Institute of building (Moscow).
1985 - 1994 - Lecturer, Russian State University of the Humanities (Moscow).
1994-2001 - Professor of History Sciences, Russian State University of the Humanities (Moscow).

Lecturer on courses:

The History of Russia in a New Ages (XIX-XX).
The History of Russia Culture in XVIII-XX century.
Silver Age of Russian Art.
Russian Emigracy of the first wale.
The Russian diplomacy in XIX century.
The History of Advertising
The History of Tourism
The Cultural Communicatons

Published more then 70 books and articles in Russian scientific press.
Author of a few books on Russian History and Culture such as:
"The Culture of Silver Age"
"The Tradition perception"
"Napoleon in Russian caricatures".

Author of a few textbooks:

"The History of Russia in XIX th century". Moscow, 1999
"The Introducing of the Russian Culture". Moscow, 2001.
"The History of the Russian Culture". 2 volums. Moscow, 2002.
"The History of World Advertising". Moscow, 2008/